My name is Jim Young and I founded Search Partners Inc in 2000, with the goal of assisting our clients in attracting the top scientific leadership in Biopharmaceutical Development. Having been retained by major companies such as F. Hoffmann-La Roche-Basel, Eli Lilly & Co, Guidant, (Abbott,) Johnson & Johnson, Bristol-Myers Squibb, (Amylin,) along with a host of smaller to mid-size biotech companies, I am comfortable working with organizations of all sizes. I have worked extensively in the product development areas and I have a very broad number of industry and academic contacts globally in many different areas.
My focus is recruiting top-tier, senior-level individuals within the industry to lead accelerated efforts in biopharm product development. We identify the passive pool of candidates who are ‘a cut-above’ in their respective field. From CMO/CSO to Department Director, along with senior-level scientific-track posts such as Fellowship-type positions, we successfully recruit the best-in-the-field.
Open senior-level positions can be problematic for any company. Timelines get delayed, projects suffer, even reporting-structures can become blurred, as the hiring executive can be ‘under-the-gun,’ to make an exceptional hire for a key position. Having the role open for too long will eventually hamstring the Hiring Executive’s performance.
In the fast-paced Biopharma World, having the right people in place is essential, toward the end of accelerated development. I deliver the people who, in turn, deliver the expected results in bringing novel therapies to market. From the test-tube to the pharmacy, using the most efficient path toward those goals is defined by the most talented, highly-experienced biopharma people. Having been in the recruiting business for over 25 years, I recognize that every recruitment effort is like a fingerprint; no two are alike. The key is in candidate development, and a certain sense of the nuances involved with a job-change, as 95% of my completed assignments over the years have involved a relocation.
Acute awareness of the incumbents’ needs, from the family perspective is essential. Family first, most people say. Many candidates have children below 12th grade, so it is essential to understand any family issues, moving forward. For example, sometimes children have special needs and access to a top-notch Specialist in a given field, access to special schools, and many other things affecting the successful transition.
In tandem with my clients, I excel with addressing such issues, in attracting the company’s “first choice” candidate. Because if the family is not comfortable, the incumbent will be distracted. We ensure that her/his focus is on the job, as it takes time for one to acclimate to the culture of the organization, as well as the new living situation.
Effective Human Resource coordination is critical throughout the entire process. From the initial briefing to the final offer, to the ’start date,' they are essential support to attract the best candidate for a given post. A strong relationship with HR is essential for any search-assignment.
I am effective and user-friendly at all levels within the biopharma-development forum.